The ASEAN, China, USA Triangle: Navigating in a Post-Ukraine/Russia World – Economic Challenges Facing ASEAN

Economic Challenges Facing ASEAN    

Trade has for some time been recognized as a major strategic parameter in international relations. China and the United States – the two remaining superpowers – are, alongside the EU, economic ‘giants’ that have had for some time now a fraught relationship of both rivalry and co-dependence. ASEAN has, in some respects at least, found itself caught in the middle, having not only to walk a delicate diplomatic tightrope but having perhaps a ‘bridging’ role in maintaining international stability essential for the well-being of all stakeholders.

The symposium opened with a keynote speech by the esteemed Professor Tommy Koh (Singapore’s former Permanent Representative to the UN in New York and former Ambassador to the United States of America, Canada and Mexico). 

This was followed by a discussion that attempted to disentangle the complex relationships as well as highlighted the challenges and potentials which face ASEAN. Moderated by Professor Joseph Weiler, the distinguished panel comprises: