Professor JHH Weiler is University Professor at New York University, as well as holder of the European Union Jean Monnet Chair at New York University School of Law, Director of the Straus Institute for the Advanced Study of Law & Justice, and Co-Director of the Tikvah Center for Law & Jewish Civilization. He was until 2016 the President of the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence, Italy. Professor Weiler serves as Editor in Chief of EJIL – the European Journal of International Law and ICON – the International Journal of Constitutional Law. Professor Weiler is also Professor at the National University of Singapore; Honorary Professor at University College, London; Honorary Professor at the Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen; and Co-Director of the Academy of International Trade Law in Macao, China.
Professor Weiler is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He holds degrees from Sussex (BA); Cambridge (LLB and LLM); and The Hague Academy of International Law (Diploma of International Law). He earned his PhD in European Law at the EUI, Florence.
Professor Weiler served for many years as a member of the Committee of Jurists of the Institutional Affairs Committee of the European Parliament, inter alia co-drafting the European Parliament’s Declaration of Human Rights and Freedoms. He is a WTO and NAFTA Panelist.
Professor Weiler is author of articles and books in the fields of international, comparative, and European law. His publications include: The Constitution of Europe – do the New Clothes have an Emperor? (Cambridge Univ. Press, 1998); The EU, the WTO, and the NAFTA: Towards a Common Law of International Trade? (Academy of European Law, EUI, Florence/Oxford Univ. Press, 2000); Un’Europa Cristiana (Rizzoli, 2003), The Worlds of European Constitutionalism, (with Gráinne De Búrca) (Cambridge University Press, New York and Cambridge, 2012) and a novella, Der Fall Steinmann (Piper 2000). He is currently completing a monograph The ASEAN Way – A Prolegomena to a Theory of Asian Legal Integration (Cambridge University Press) and a book on The Trial of Jesus.
Research Interests
- Comparative Constitutional Law
- European Integration
- WTO and International Economic Law
- ASEAN Law and Policy
- Law and Religion
Selected Publications
- ‘Fundamental Rights and Fundamental Boundaries: Common Standards and Conflicting Values in the Protection of Human Rights in European Space’, An Identity for Europe, The Relevance of Multiculturalism in EU Construction (Palgrave Macmillan) Chapter 4 73 (2009)
- ‘Measures Affecting the Cross-Border Supply of Gambling and Betting Services (DS 285)’, 7:1 World Trade Review 71-113 (2008) (with Douglas Irwin)
- ‘Neinsagen zu Gott: Anmerkungen zu Der Regensburger Vorlesung und Zwei Predigten Benedikts XVI’, Gott, Rette Die Vernunet! (Sankt Ulrich Verlag) 171 (2008)
- ‘Law, Culture, and Values in the WTO-Gazing into the Crystal Ball’, The Oxford Handbook of International Trade Law – Chapter 27, Oxford University Press 750 (2008)
- ‘The Constitution of Europe: Resquiescat in Pacem’, A Europa E Os Desafios do Seculo XXI, Conferencia International (Almedina-Coimbra) 179 (2008)