4th Annual Singapore International Investment Arbitration Conference

SIIA-2013-tnOn 3 December 2013, 150 government lawyers, private practitioners, academics and students assembled at the Singapore Supreme Court Auditorium to consider the topic of “Investment Treaty Arbitration in Asia: What Lies Ahead?”. The first session of the Conference provided an overview of the present landscape of investment treaty arbitration. The second session featured a panel discussion amongst five Asian practitioners on how they perceive investment treaty arbitration. The concluding session was led by four luminaries in international arbitration, with a keynote speech by The Honorable The Chief Justice Sundaresh Menon SC, followed by a discussion with Sir Franklin Berman KCMG QC, Mr. Toby Landau QC, and ICJ Judge Sir Christopher Greenwood CMG QC. For more information, please click here.

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