Danielle Yeow, collaborated as a reviewer on a paper on “The Legal Character of Carbon Credits: A Way Forward”

CIL's Lead on Climate Change Law and Policy, Danielle Yeow, collaborated as a reviewer on a paper on  "The Legal Character of Carbon Credits: A Way Forward" that was launched  on 26 Mar 24 by GenZero and Allen & Gledhill LLP. The  paper  addresses the importance of clarity in the legal characterisation of voluntary carbon credits.


"With demand for voluntary carbon credits set to rise by a factor of 15 by 2030, a clear position on the legal character of voluntary carbon credits would spur the further scaling up of the voluntary carbon market, which serves as an important tool for companies to drive climate action." - Danielle Yeow, Pg 3 of Full Paper

Download the full paper
Genzero's media release