
ICPC-CIL Law of the Sea Workshop
on Submarine Cables

On Friday 3 May 2024, CIL and the International Cable Protection Committee (ICPC) co-organized the ICPC-CIL Law of the Sea Workshop on Submarine Cables at the Orchard Hotel. The Workshop followed the Annual Plenary Meeting of the ICPC, which was held at the same venue from 30 April to 2 May.

The workshop was attended by 80+ delegates from the cable industry, 20+ ASEAN government officials sponsored by the Singapore and Australian Governments, 20+ Singapore and Australia government representatives, and 10+ ASEAN academics sponsored by CIL. 

The participants at the Workshop discussed issues relating to the protection and regulation of submarine fiber optic cables, which carry 99% of the world's internet and connectivity.

The workshop was organized in four panels: (1) Spatial and Competing Use Issues for Submarine Cables, (2) Permits and Policies for the Laying and Repair of Cables, (3) Security of Submarine Cables, and (4) 2023 BBNJ Treaty and Submarine Cables. In each of the panels there was a moderator and one speaker each from industry, academia, and government. Half of the time in each session was devoted to questions and comments from the audience.

The feedback from all participants was that the presentations and discussions at the Workshop were useful and insightful, and there was a general consensus that there is a need for more discussions and greater collaboration between the public sector and private sector in the cable industry.

For more information, please find the programme agenda and speakers' slides on the left and photos below.