Danielle Yeow at the 8th  Substantive Session of the Open-Ended Working Group on security of and in the use of information and communications technologies

Danielle Yeow, Lead on Cyber Law and Governance, attended the 8th  Substantive Session of the Open-Ended Working Group on security of and in the use of information and communications technologies, held at UNHQ, New York on 8-12 July 2024.  The 8th Session was focussed on finalising the third Annual Progress Report (APR) and discussing the future permanent mechanism for institutional dialogue on ICT security. Danielle participated in 2 side events during the course of the week.

On  9 Jul  24, Danielle was a panelist at a side event on “Advancing Accountability in Cyberspace: Models, Mechanisms and Multistakeholder Approaches”. The event was convened by the Stimson Centre, the Permanent Mission of Canada to the UN and the Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the UN. Danielle remarks addressed the parallels and comparison with accountability mechanisms under environmental regimes.

On 10 Jul, Danielle moderated a side event on "Responding to Malicious Cyber Operations: Countermeasures in International Law and their Role in Cyberspace" convened by the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House) and Permanent Mission of the Netherlands to the UN. The dialogue discussed:-

  1. How countermeasures fit within the range of mechanisms and tools ensure accountability of internationally wrongful cyber operations
  2. The conditions for taking countermeasures in cyberspace under international law
  3. Collective countermeasures in terms of

i. their status under existing international law
ii. the policy arguments in favour and against different types of collective countermeasures and
iii. the comparison to the provision of aid or assistance to states that have been injured by an unlawful cyber operations