Cyber Law and Governance

  1. Danielle attended an Invitation only workshop on Crypto and Net Zero 2022 (20 April 2022) in the World Economic Forum led workshop series on Crypto Impact and Sustainability Accelerator (CISA) Net Zero which convenes experts to discuss methods to effect a sustainable transformation of carbon markets and explore how crypto-economic mechanisms and new models for transparency can help institutions both achieve and enhance net-zero commitments.
  2. US-ASEAN Cyber Dialogue – Fostering Digital Cooperation Across the Pacific – Danielle Yeow
  3. Danielle Yeow moderated the second session of the US-ASEAN cyber and digital dialogue jointly convened with Columbia University's SIPA and NTU's RSiS on 15 June 2022. Participants (from public and private sector and academia/think tanks) had a robust and engaging discussion on the cyber and hybrid threat lessons from the Russia/Ukraine crisis, and the misinformation threat landscape in the South East Asian region.
  4. Danielle Yeow was invited to speak at the inaugural UN-Singapore Cyber Fellowship programme (1-6 Aug). The Fellowship, organised by the Cybersecurity Agency of Singapore and the UN Office for Disarmament Affairs, is the flagship programme under the UN-Singapore Cyber Programme. This inter-disciplinary programme, organised by the UN Office for Disarmament Affairs and the Cybersecurity Agency of Singapore, was attended by participants comprising of high level national cyber officials from UN member states.
  5. 3rd US-ASEAN Cyber and Digital Dialogue
  6. Danielle Yeow participated in an invitation only closed door roundtable on “Countermeasures in Cyberspace”
  7. Danielle Yeow spoke at the High Level Panel discussion on “Cyber Multilateralism and the Race Against Change – Affirming the UN relevance” held during Singapore International Cyber Week (SICW)
  8. Danielle Yeow at the 7th Session of the Open Ended Working Group on security of and in the use of information and communications technologies 2021-2025 (OEWG)
  9. Danielle Yeow spoke at a panel discussion on “International Law” at the UN-Singapore Cyber Fellowship Programme
  10. Danielle Yeow on Advisory Board of project “The Handbook on Developing a National Position on International Law in Cyberspace: A Practical Guide for States”