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  • PIRACY: Current Developments and Legal Challenges in South East Asia and off the Horn of Africa
  Various Speakers
NUS Bukit Timah Campus
25 May 2011 (Wednesday)
25 May 2011 (Wednesday)

25 May 2011 | CIL Seminar Series

PIRACY: Current Developments and Legal Challenges in South East Asia and off the Horn of Africa

Attendance was by invitation only


It was our pleasure to invite you to a seminar on the current developments in piracy off Somalia and in South East Asia. The by-invitation only seminar was jointly hosted by the Centre for International Law in Singapore and Risk Intelligence. It took place between 1300 and 1630 on 25 May 2011. The seminar gave you an overview of the situation off Somalia as well as in South East Asia. Following on that, the legal challenges of anti piracy operations and putting armed guards on vessels were detailed. The presentations were operationally focused and aimed at shipping companies.


Robert Beckman
Director, Centre for International Law

Nis Leerskov Mathiesen
Chief Analyst, Risk Intelligence

Karsten von Hoesslin
Visiting Fellow, Centre for International Law
Senior Analyst, Risk Intelligence

Guy Manchuk
LLM Candidate
Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore


13:00  Introduction
13:15  Piracy and Armed Sea Robbery in South East Asia: Forecasting incidents off the Anambas Islands
14:00  Piracy trends off the Horn of Africa: Evolving tactics
14:45  Coffee Break
15:00  International Efforts: Capabilities & Limitations from a legal perspective
15:30  Enforcement of Marine Policies: Illegality and Ship Security
16:00  Discussion
16:30  End of Seminar

Presentation Materials

Prof Beckman:

Nis Leerskov Mathiesen:

Guy Manchuk: