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  • Offshore Oil and Gas in the South China Sea: Trends and Limits of the Current Framework and the Protection of the Marine Environment
  by Ms Youna Lyons
NUS Bukit Timah Campus
24 May 2011 (Tuesday)
24 May 2011 (Tuesday)

24 May 2011 | CIL Seminar Series

Offshore Oil and Gas in the South China Sea: Trends and Limits of the Current Framework and the Protection of the Marine Environment


Boundary disputes in the South China Sea (SCS) are one of the key drivers of instability in the region and the pursuit of new offshore oil and gas exploration and development projects have the potential to become the trigger for major political, military and environmental instability.

In this context it is critical to shed light in the major developments in the SCS and the tools available to manage environmental impacts from offshore oil and gas activities.

This seminar presented a review of current oil and gas fields in the SCS, based on industry information, including the fixed or floating nature of installations, weight, age and depth at which installations are built. Fields currently in dispute and joint cooperative agreements were presented and discussed in the context of the protection of the marine environment.

Secondly, we considered the international and regional regulatory framework applicable to environmental impacts from offshore oil and gas activities, starting with a review of Coastal States rights and obligations. Available tools, instruments and gaps to address potential and observed ecological impacts (from geological surveys to well closure and platform decommissioning) were highlighted and considered in the context of regional efforts and industry practices.

About the Speaker

Youna is an international litigator also trained as a marine ecologist. She is now an adjunct senior research fellow with the Centre for International Law where she focuses on marine environmental governance, law and policy in ASEAN.

Youna created and led the private international law practice of the Litigation and Arbitration Group at Clifford Chance (Paris office); one of the world’s leading law firms, for more than 12 years. She later studied marine sciences and holds a Masters in Marine Affairs from the University of Washington. Youna has worked across Europe, the U.S. and Asia and, besides her Masters in Marine Affairs, holds an LLM and two Bachelors from La Sorbonne respectively in international public and private law and in procedural law.

Presentation Materials

