CIL Participates in 36th COLP Conference in Halifax, Nova Scotia

CIL Patron Prof S Jayakumar, CIL Director Robert Beckman and CIL Senior Research Fellow Youna Lyons participated in the 36th Annual Conference of the Center for Oceans Law and Policy (COLP) of the School of Law of the University of Virginia from 21-22 June 2012. The COLP conference was held in Halifax, Nova Scotia in conjunction with the Marine & Environmental Law Institute of the School of Law of Dalhousie University. The theme of the Conference was “The Regulation of the Continental Shelf: Rethinking International Standards”.

Prof S Jayakumar delivered the Opening Address at the Conference with a paper entitled “The Continental Shelf Regime under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea: Reflections after Thirty Years”. Prof Jayakumar also served as a Moderator of the final panel discussion on “Completing the Unfinished Business of UNCLOS III.”

CIL sponsored a panel at the Conference on the Decommissioning of Offshore Installations and Structures. ITLOS Judge Zhiguo Gao of China served as the moderator of panel. Prof Beckman made a presentation on the “Global Legal Regime on the Decommissioning of Offshore Installations and Structures” and Youna Lyons made a presentation on “Abandoned Offshore Installations in Southeast Asia and the Opportunity for ‘Rigs-to-Reefs’.” The other two panellists were David Johnson of the OSPAR Commission, who spoke on decommissioning in the North Sea, and Prof Ian Townsend-Gault of the University of British Columbia, who spoke on decommissioning in North America.

The Conference gave Prof Jayakumar the opportunity to see several old friends from the nine years of negotiations leading to the 1982 UN Convention on the law of the Sea, including ITLOS Judge Helmut Tuerk of Austria, Dr Brian Fleming of Canada and Prof John Norton-Moore, the Director of the Center of Oceans Law and Policy at the University of Virginia. Prof Jayakumar and Prof Norton-Moore have been friends since they were classmates at Yale Law School in the early 1970s.

For a copy of Prof Jayakumar’s address, click here. (coming soon)
For a copy of the draft of Prof Beckman’s paper, click here.
For a copy of Prof Beckman’s PowerPoint slides (in PDF format), click here.
For a copy of Youna Lyon’s PowerPoint slides (ind PDF format), click here.

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