CIL Experts at CSCAP and ARF Meetings in Manila on Law of the Sea

Professor Robert Beckman and Captain J. Ashley Roach participated in two meetings on the UN Convention of the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) in Manila, Philippines. On 27 May 2014, Professor Beckman and Captain Roach served as experts in the Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific (CSCAP) Workshop on UNCLOS and Maritime Security in East Asia, which was organised by US CSCAP and CSCAP Philippines. Professor Beckman made a presentation on “UNCLOS and Protection and Preservation of the Marine Environment” (download in PDF). Captain Roach made a presentation on “UNCLOS and Freedom of Navigation” (download in PDF). On 28-29 May 2014, Professor Beckman and Captain Roach served as academic experts at the 2nd ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) Seminar on UNCLOS, which was co-organised by Australia and the Philippines. Professor Beckman made presentations on “Rights and Responsibilities of States on the High Seas and in the Exclusive Economic Zone” (download in PDF) and on “Legal Framework for Joint Development in the South China Sea” (download in PDF). Captain Roach made presentations on “Freedom of Navigation and Overflight” (download in PDF) and on “ITLOS Provisional Measures and Prompt Release” (download in PDF). Professor Beckman is the Director of CIL and heads its programme in Ocean Law and Policy. Captain Roach is a CIL Global Fellow and spent the month of May at CIL as a Visiting Senior Research Fellow.

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