The South China Sea Disputes and Law of the Sea

South China Sea Disputes and Law of the Sea explores in great detail the application of specific provisions of UNCLOS and how the framework of international law applies to the South China Sea. Offering a comprehensive analysis of the individual topics and their application to the South China Sea region, each chapter of the book provides a substantive and rigorous investigation into the history, development and application of the relevant legal principles. It is written within the global context so that lessons learned from this exercise will have global implications. Contributors include former judges from ITLOS, legal advisors to states who participated in the negotiation and drafting of UNCLOS, as well as outstanding scholars of both law and geography, many of whom have acted as counsel or experts in cases before international court and tribunals.

About the NUS Centre for International Law book series

This book series provides critical analysis on issues of international law relevant to the region, including ocean law and policy, ASEAN law and policy, trade and investment law and policy, and international dispute resolution. The series examines international issues from a legal, political and policy perspective, and serves as a valuable reference for international and regional organisations, government officials, scholars and practitioners.