  by Judge Raul Pangalangan
NUS Bukit Timah Campus
24 May 2017 (Wednesday)
24 May 2017 (Wednesday)
Judge Raul Pangalangan

Comparative Law Issues in International Criminal Law


International criminal tribunals are not just another enforcement regime to promote human dignity. They change the ball game rather fundamentally, and entail a shift from state responsibility to individual criminal responsibility. They try people, not states. Yet the whole time while we were globalising the rules governing state-state relations, we actually left much of criminal law and procedure within the reserve domain of states, ensconced within national jurisdictions. International criminal law thus gives rise to legal issues hitherto debated in comparative law, which go into the heart of what it means to be just.


About the Speaker

Raul C Pangalangan is a Judge of the International Criminal Court at The Hague. He has taught constitutional law and public international law at the University of the Philippines, where he was a Professor of Law and Law Dean. He has taught at Harvard Law School as a visiting professor, and has lectured at The Hague Academy of International Law. He contributed to Triffterer’s Commentary on the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, and has delivered the keynote at the Salzburg Seminar on International Criminal Law.

Judge Pangalangan received his LLM and SJD from Harvard. He was a Clyde Ferguson Fellow at the HLS Human Rights Program, a John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur scholar at the Center for International Affairs, and upon graduation won the Laylin Prize in international law and the Sumner Prize on international peace. He holds the Diplo^me of The Hague Academy of International Law.


Professor Antony ANGHIE
Faculty of Law and Centre for International Law
National University of Singapore

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