Summary Information
Full Title

2007 ASEAN Convention on Counter Terrorism

Short Title / Abbreviations


CIL Subject Classification
Date of Adoption 13/01/2007
Date of Adoption Comment The 12th ASEAN Summit took place from 11-14 January 2007.
Place of Adoption Cebu, Philippines, 12th ASEAN Summit
Issued/Adopted by Heads of State/Government of ASEAN
Dispute settlement provisions

Article XIX. Settlement of Disputes

“Any difference or dispute between the Parties arising from the interpretation or application of the provisions of this Convention shall be settled amicably through consultation and negotiation between the Parties through diplomatic channels or any other peaceful means for the settlement of disputes as agreed upon between the Parties.”


Secretary-General of ASEAN

Entry Into Force Status In Force

ASEAN Legal Instruments as of 03/09/2024

Date of Entry into Force


Entry into Force / Termination Provisions

Article XXI. Entry into Force and Amendment

“1. This Convention shall enter into force on the 30th (thirtieth) day following the date of the deposit of the 6th (sixth) instrument of ratification or approval with the Secretary-General of ASEAN in respect of those Parties that have submitted their instruments of ratification or approval.

2. For any Party ratifying or approving this Convention after the deposit of the 6th (sixth) instrument of ratification or approval, but before the day the Convention enters into force, the Convention shall also apply to that Party on the date the Convention enters into force.

3. In respect of a Party ratifying or approving this Convention subsequent to its entry into force pursuant to paragraph 1, it shall enter into force for that Party on the date its instrument of ratification or approval is deposited.

4. This Convention may be modified or amended at any time by mutual written consent of the Parties. Such modification or amendment shall enter into force on such date as shall be mutually agreed upon by Parties and shall form part of this Convention.

5. Any modification or amendment shall not affect the rights and obligations of the Parties arising from or based on the provisions of this Convention before the entry into force of such modification or amendment.”

ASEAN States (Source:

ASEAN Legal Instruments


as of 03/09/2024)
Brunei Darussalam Signature 13/01/2007
Ratification 04/05/2011
Cambodia Signature 13/01/2007
Ratification 28/06/2010
Indonesia Signature 13/01/2007
Ratification 28/06/2012
Lao PDR Signature 13/01/2007
Ratification 28/11/2012
Malaysia Signature 13/01/2007
Ratification 11/01/2013
Myanmar Signature 13/01/2007
Ratification 21/02/2012
Philippines Signature 13/01/2007
Ratification 27/04/2010
Singapore Signature 13/01/2007
Ratification 31/10/2007
Thailand Signature 13/01/2007
Ratification 21/02/2008
Vietnam Signature 13/01/2007
Ratification 25/02/2011
Related Instruments
Related Instruments

1976 Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia

1976 Declaration of ASEAN Concord

2001 ASEAN Declaration on Joint Action to Counter Terrorism

2003 Declaration of ASEAN Concord II

2004 Treaty on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters

2007 Charter of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations

2009 ASEAN Comprehensive Plan of Action on Counter Terrorism

2017 ASEAN Comprehensive Plan of Action on Counter Terrorism

2018-2025 ASEAN Plan of Action to Prevent and Counter the Rise of Radicalisation and Violent Extremism

External Links