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  • 1988 Memorandum of Understanding – Brand-to-Brand Complementation on the Automotive Industry under the Basic Agreement on ASEAN Industrial Complementation
Summary Information
Full Title

1988 Memorandum of Understanding – Brand-to-Brand Complementation on the Automotive Industry under the Basic Agreement on ASEAN Industrial Complementation

Short Title / Abbreviations

MOU for BBC on the Automotive Industry under the BAAIC

CIL Subject Classification
Date of Adoption 18/10/1988
Place of Adoption Pattaya, Thailand, 20th ASEAN Economic Ministers’ Meeting (AEM)
Issued/Adopted by Economic Ministers of ASEAN
Dispute settlement provisions

This agreement was a “covered agreement” by the 1996 Protocol on Dispute Settlement Mechanism. It was also a “covered agreement” under Appendix I of the 2004 Protocol on Enhanced Dispute Settlement Mechanism and Article 24.3 of the 2007 ASEAN Charter which provides that “[w]here not otherwise specifically provided, disputes which concern the interpretation or application of ASEAN economic agreements shall be settled in accordance with the [2004] ASEAN Protocol on Enhanced Dispute Settlement Mechanism.”

Entry Into Force Status Superseded

ASEAN Legal Instruments. See ASEAN States Source for more information.

Date of Entry into Force


Date of Termination


ASEAN States (Source:

See Article 12 of the 1996 Basic Agreement on the ASEAN Industrial Cooperation Scheme. The 1996 Basic Agreement came into force on 10 October 1996.

Note that the ASEAN Legal Instruments page still lists the Memorandum of Understanding as being in force.

as of 18/07/2022)
Brunei Darussalam Signature 18/10/1988
Indonesia Signature 18/10/1988
Malaysia Signature 18/10/1988
Philippines Signature 18/10/1988
Singapore Signature 18/10/1988
Thailand Signature 18/10/1988
Related Instruments
Protocols / Amendments to this instrument

This Agreement was superseded by the 1996 Basic Agreement on the ASEAN Industrial Cooperation Scheme pursuant to its Article 12 ‘Repealing Provisions’.

1995 Protocol to Amend the Memorandum of Understanding on Brand-to-Brand Complementation on the Automotive Industry under the Basic Agreement on ASEAN Industrial Complementation


Related Instruments

1981 Basic Agreement on ASEAN Industrial Complementation

1980 Basic Agreement on ASEAN Industrial Projects

1977 Agreement on the ASEAN Preferential Trading Arrangements

External Links
Additional Information

Note Section 11(e): ‘First BBC Scheme’:

“Initially, for the first BBC Scheme, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand are the participating countries.”

This was amended by the 1995 Protocol to Amend the Memorandum of Understanding on Brand-to-Brand Complementation on the Automotive Industry under the Basic Agreement on ASEAN Industrial Complementation as follows:

“(e) Participating Countries

Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand are the participating countries in the BBC Scheme.”

This instrument does not contain provisions for entry into force. The ASEAN Secretariat’s ASEAN Legal Instruments database indicates the date of signing as a date of entry into force.