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Faculty of Law, University of Colombo, Philip Gunewardena Mawatha, Colombo 00700, Sri Lanka
7 June 2019 (Friday)
8 June 2019 (Saturday)

The NUS Centre for International Law (CIL) and the Faculty of Law of the University of Colombo are delighted to host a workshop from 7 to 8 June 2019 on ‘Teaching and Researching International Law in Asia’ (TRILA). This event is the second of a series of country-specific workshops, which will discuss the specific challenges in the teaching and research of international law faced by local scholars in different Asian countries.

The workshop will be held at the Faculty of Law, University of Colombo, Philip Gunewardena Mawatha, Colombo 00700, Sri Lanka.

Asian societies have played a relatively minor role in the making of modern international law. If this historical condition is to change, if Asia is to become a ‘rule maker’ rather than a ‘rule taker’, then it is imperative for Asian scholars and practitioners, officials and diplomats to be highly skilled and knowledgeable in understanding and shaping a continuously changing international environment.

In 2018, the CIL held a conference on Teaching and Researching International Law in Asia, which was attended by roughly 150 scholars and teachers from Asia, Europe, Australia and the United States. The Conference explored major issues including the following:

1. Materials to be used for the teaching of international law
2. Creation of syllabus and course outline in international law
3. Effective techniques in the teaching of international law
4. Challenges of researching, writing and publishing

Having identified and discussed these broad issues, the CIL is now collaborating with law faculties in different Asian countries, including in Sri Lanka and Cambodia, to organise local workshops that will explore these issues in depth in a local context. This approach is devised to maximise local participation and effectively address the specific and unique challenges faced by teachers in a particular country. These workshops aim to provide guidance and assistance to young scholars and teachers to enable them to be more effective in their work.