via Zoom
3 June 2020 (Wednesday)
3 June 2020 (Wednesday)
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Wednesday, 3 June 2020, 4pm, Singapore Time

Covid-19 and International Shipping

Image by Alexander Kliem from Pixabay


This session discusses the impact of COVID-19 on international shipping and the global supply chain. It will examine the challenges faced by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the UN specialized agency responsible for the regulation of international shipping, in addressing COVID-19. It will also discuss the respective roles of the IMO, the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Labour Organization (ILO) in establishing and enforcing international regulations on the safety of maritime navigation and on the rights and health of seafarers. It will also discuss the challenges faced by governments, major port States, flag States and international maritime hubs like Singapore to keep commercial shipping operating to maintain the global supply chain in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, and look into a possible “new normal” for ports and shipping. Finally, it will examine the shipping community’s response and the role of industry associations like the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) in spearheading practical solutions to the problems raised by COVID-19 to international shipping.

Tommy Koh, Ambassador, Chair, CIL Governing Board
Robert Beckman, Head, Ocean Law & Policy Programme, CIL
Koji Sekimizu, Secretary-General Emeritus, International Maritime Organization (IMO)
Quah Ley Hoon, Chief Executive, Maritime & Port Authority of Singapore (MPA)
Simon Bennett, Deputy Secretary-General, International Chamber of Shipping (ICS)

Please click on the names of the panellists to view their profiles.

Click here to view the recording.