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ASEAN Law Academy Conference 2021: ‘The Rules-based ASEAN Community’ 


Deadline for abstract submission: 15 January 2021 

The Centre for International Law at the National University of Singapore is pleased to issue a call for papers to participants of the ASEAN Law Academy Advanced Programme 2021 (Educator Programme), for an online conference on ASEAN Law and Policy on Friday, 26 February 2021The one-day Conference follows from the ASEAN Law Academy Advanced Programme, which will be held from 2 to 25 February 2021. 

Theme and Objective 

The Conference, themed The Rules-based ASEAN Communityseeks to identify the diverse issues emanating from and impacting upon ASEAN law and policy especially in the areas of politics and international relations, trade and investment, and socio-economic development in the region. The aim is to foster a community of scholars from the faculties of economics, law and political science who are interested in or working on various aspects of ASEAN Law and Policy, to come together to discuss our work in February. 


The scope of the conference is broad. Scholars may choose to write on any aspect of the rules-based ASEAN Community, including: 

  • ASEAN institutions 
  • ASEAN regional integration and comparative regional integration 
  • International economic law and development, trade and investment 
  • The impact of ASEAN Law and Policy on the member states and/or member state jurisdictions 
  • ASEAN foreign policy and relations 


  • ASEAN or ASEAN states’ interaction in the following domains:  
    • General public international law 
    • International criminal law 
    • Environment and climate change 
    • Human rights  
    • History and theory of international law 
    • Development 
    • Dispute settlement 
    • Law of international organisations 
    • Law of the sea 

 Submission Deadline 

We invite submissions of abstracts of not more than 500 words by 15 January 2021Full drafts or works in progress should be submitted by 31 January 2021, so that discussants can prepare to respond to the papers. Please visit our event page for submissions and further details.