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  • 25 November 2020: Co-Director for ASEAN Law and Policy Programme Dr Tan Hsien-Li spoke at ALES Symposium on Legislations on Infectious Diseases and cooperative measures of Asia countries in the post COVID-19 era

25 November 2020: Co-Director for ASEAN Law and Policy Programme Dr Tan Hsien-Li spoke at ALES Symposium on Legislations on Infectious Diseases and cooperative measures of Asia countries in the post COVID-19 era

Co-Director, ASEAN Law and Policy Programme Dr Tan Hsien-Li spoke at the “Asian Legislative Experts Symposium (ALES) – Legislations on Infectious Diseases and cooperative measures of Asia countries in the post COVID-19 era”, Wednesday 25 November. The event was co-hosted by Republic of Korea, Ministry of Government Legislation and the Korea Legislation Research Institute. Professor Teo Yik Ying, Dean of Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, NUS spoke on Session 1 on national epidemiological and legislative responses while Dr Tan spoke on Session 2 on multilateral responses, soft law, and trade.