  In the second of CIL's Fireside Chat Series, the Panel and the audience engaged in a lively and frank discussion on Singapore's land reclamation dispute with Malaysia.
NUS Bukit Timah Campus
2 March 2012 (Friday)
2 March 2012 (Friday)

2 March 2012 | This event was the second of the CIL Fireside Chat Series on International Law and Diplomacy.

The Land Reclamation Case:
Lessons in Law and Diplomacy


Professor S Jayakumar hosted the second CIL Fireside Chat on International Law and Diplomacy on Friday, 2 March 2012, at the NUS Bukit Timah Campus. The topic was on “The Land Reclamation Case: Lessons in Law and Diplomacy”.

This second instalment in the series featured a panel comprising  Professor Tommy Koh, Ambassador-at-Large; Dr. Cheong Koon Hean, Deputy Secretary (Special Duties) in the Ministry of National Development and CEO of the Housing and Development Board; and Mr. Tan Ken Hwee, presently Deputy Chief Prosecutor of the Economic Crimes and Governance Division, Attorney-General’s Chambers. The Chat was hosted by Professor S Jayakumar who has served as Deputy Prime Minister, Coordinating Minister for National Security, Minister for Law, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Permanent Representative to the United Nations and other leading roles in the Singapore Government.

The Panel, all of whom played a key role in the proceedings brought by Malaysia, provided insight into both the legal and technical aspects of the dispute, the lessons learned from the dispute as well as Singapore’s strategy in dealing with international litigation including the coordination between the various government agencies. The Panel and the audience, which comprised students from NUS, SMU and NTU, also engaged in a lively and frank discussion on Singapore’s land reclamation dispute with Malaysia.

Attendance was open only to NUS, NTU and SMU Students who registered.

About the CIL Fireside Chat Series

The CIL Fireside Chat Series is a sequence of talks scheduled in 2012 which will be hosted by Professor S. Jayakumar and Professor Tommy Koh, two of Singapore’s eminent diplomats. The series will explore the interplay between diplomacy and international law by inviting leading international lawyers and diplomats to share their insights on the legal and political considerations that shape a State’s conduct in international relations.

Host & Panelists

Professor Tommy Koh
Dr Cheong Koon Hean
Mr Tan Ken Hwee

Professor S Jayakumar
