  Various Speakers
29 July 2013 (Monday)
29 July 2013 (Monday)

ASEAN Integration Through Law, Plenary 2: ASEAN Governance, Management and External Relations



The Centre for International Law (CIL) and Universitas Pelita Harapan (UPH) organised the 2nd Plenary of the ASEAN Integration Through Law Project on 29 July 2013 in Jakarta, Indonesia. This session focused on the theme "ASEAN Governance, Management and External Relations" which is deemed to be critical for the success of the ASEAN integration efforts. The Plenary, the second of four sessions, gathered over 170 participants from the government, academia, business community and civic society. Indonesia's Foreign Minister H.E. Dr. R.M. Marty M. Natalegawa graced the event as Guest-of-Honour. The programme featured speakers such as former Singapore Attorney-General, Prof Walter Woon; Prof Pieter Jan Kuijper who was Director of the WTO Legal Affairs Division; Prof Robert Beckman, CIL Director and noted South China Sea expert; and Mr Jean Claude Piris, former Director-General of the European Legal Service.

The ASEAN Integration Through Law Project is a groundbreaking undertaking examining the importance of the Role and Rule of Law and Institutions in ASEAN Legal Integration following from the 2007 ASEAN Charter. Leading scholars from all around the world will for the first time publicly present their findings which we expect to have a profound impact on the way we think about the prospect for ASEAN integration. Senior ASEAN policy experts will act as discussants for the papers. The format is designed to raise significant issues and allow for a frank dialogue about the challenges and opportunities for ASEAN.


To download the conference programme, please click here.

Speakers' Profiles

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"Plenary Discussion: ASEAN Integration through Law", published on UPH website on 2 August 2013