  Various Speakers
NUS Bukit Timah Campus
24 September 2014 (Wednesday)
26 September 2014 (Friday)

Maritime Boundary Delimitation Workshop 2014



On 24-26 September 2014, the Centre for International Law (CIL) and the International Boundaries Research Unit (IBRU) of Durham University organised the fourth annual International Maritime Boundary Delimitation Workshop in Singapore.

This year’s Workshop focused on the technical aspects and the theory and practice of negotiations of maritime boundaries, such as how to build a negotiation team, how to engage experts and external counsel, and how to draft the text agreement. Around 50 participants from 24 countries from the public sector, academia and industry attended the Workshop.

The trainers for the 2014 Workshop were Professor Robert Beckman, CIL Director; Mr John Brown, UK Hydrographic Office; Mr Rodman Bundy, Eversheds LLP; Professor Martin Pratt, International Boundaries Research Unit; Mr Gavin MacLaren, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer; His Excellency Arif Havas Oegroseno, Ambassador of Indonesia to the EU; Captain J Ashley Roach, formerly US State Department; and Professor Clive Schofield, Australian Centre for Ocean Resource and Security (ANCORS), University of Wollongong.

About the Workshop

Clearly defined maritime boundaries are essential for good international relations and effective ocean management, yet few coastal States have agreed all their maritime boundaries with their neighbours. Part of the reason for this is that boundary delimitation requires a range of specialist legal and technical skills which are not always readily available to governments.

Combining lectures, discussions and practical exercises, IBRU’s most popular workshop helps participants develop the skills needed to achieve an equitable division of maritime space and clearly defined maritime boundaries.