29 July 2021: Research Associate Manisha Regalla Participates in RSIS Webinar on Nuclear Security Governance in the Asia-Pacific

Research Associate Manisha Regalla participated in a webinar entitled ‘Nuclear Security Governance in the Asia-Pacific: Pathways to Cooperation’ that was organised by the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies (RSIS) on 29 July 2021. The purpose of the webinar was to explore national and regional pathways towards building a robust framework for nuclear security governance in the Asia-Pacific.

In this regard, an example of a national pathway that was discussed was the USA and its interactions with Asia-Pacific countries. Speakers shared about the USA’s innovative approach that seeks to promote the peaceful use of nuclear energy through bilateral agreements (including with Asia-Pacific countries), while also strengthening compliance with the existing international nuclear security regime. Regional pathways discussed included the ongoing partnership between the ASEAN Network of Regulatory Bodies on Atomic Energy (ASEANTOM) and USA’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) to conduct the ‘Exercise Development Training Series’, a series of events that aims to provide training on the prevention and management of radiological and nuclear terrorism in ASEAN including through table-top and field exercises. Other programmes include three courses conducted by the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) on (i) nuclear security, (ii) safeguards and state system of accounting for and control of nuclear material (SSAC) and (iii) the international non-proliferation framework. These courses contribute to nuclear security governance by building capacity on the international nuclear security and non-proliferation regime and its implementation at the national level.

For more information on the event including the speakers as well as a recording of the webinar, please see: https://www.rsis.edu.sg/event/rsis-webinar-on-nuclear-security-governance-in-the-asia-pacific-pathways-to-cooperation/#.YROGI4gzaUk.