Follow Adjunct Senior Research Fellow Danielle Yeow @ COP 26!

Danielle Yeow at the COP 26 UN Climate Change Conference, hosted by the UK in partnership with Italy, from 31 October to 12 November 2021 in the Scottish Event Campus (SEC) in Glasgow, UK, follow the updates here! 

10 Nov 2021 COP 26 Special!
A Conversation with Professor Payam Akhavan
on the Agreement for the Establishment of the Commission of Small Island States
on Climate Change and International Law


9 Nov 2021 CNA interviews Danielle at COP26
from 1:58 min

9 Nov 2021 COP 26 Special!
A Conversation with Kimberley Botwright and Jeremy Stewart!

9 Nov 2021, 7:00am, Singapore Time with Joseph Teo Good to seeFlag of SingaporeSingaporeans at #COP26 advocating for Flexed biceps#ClimateAction in their different roles, as youth leaders, biz reps, academia, etc. It was a busy day, but never too busy for Minister Grace Fu to engage #Singaporeans who are doing their part to support global #ClimateAction

8 Nov 2021, 9:09pm, Singapore Time Ambassador Peter Thompson, UN Sec-Gen Special Envoy for the Ocean and panel discussing the role of oceans in solving the climate issue and its status in the COP platform. Flags need to break down silos.

8 Nov 2021, 6:02pm, Singapore Time Week 2 begins. What outcome can we expect? Not unexpectedly a number of issues remain open ranging from Art 6 discussion on the rules pertaining to the carbon market to response measures to finance mechanism. The clock is ticking.

6 Nov 2021, 10:02pm, Singapore Time Diane Tan, Singapore, alternate member of The Paris Agreement Implementation and Compliance Committee, speaking at a briefing on the PAICC.

6 Nov 2021, 8:43pm, Singapore Time “.. We are at inflection point and climate will likely enter trade agenda at MC12..”

6 Nov 2021, 8:32pm, Singapore Time Excellent discussion on breaking down silos and integrating trade, climate and nature perspectives

5 Nov 2021 COP 26 Special!
A Conversation with Christina Voigt!


5 Nov 2021, 6:13pm, Singapore Time Cop26 pledges could limit warming to 1.8C, says energy agency boss | Cop26 | The Guardian.

5 Nov 2021, 5:04pm, Singapore Time Looking forward to hearing the discussions on advancing the legal & policy frameworks for ambition, obligation & finance. 

4 Nov 2021, 2.54am, Singapore Time COP26: UK firms forced to show how they will hit net zero – BBC News. “UK was leading the world in becoming ‘first-ever net zero aligned global financial center.’”

3 Nov 2021, 11:33pm, Singapore Time “… how we live daily accounts for 45% of emissions reduction..” Food for thought!

3 Nov 2021, 1:09am, Singapore Time High level panel discussion on link between climate change and security. This challenge offers an opportunity for international partnership. Suggestion made for UN Special Envoy for Climate and Security. Watch the space for proposals at Munich Security Conference.

2 Nov 2021, 08:01am, Singapore Time Notable development establishing a new body for the development and implementation of global environmental norms and practices.

2 Nov 2021, 00:15am, Singapore Time Great dialogue on the strategies in aligning public and private financial flows for the implementation on biodiversity, climate change and desertification. Indeed policy alignment and coherence is needed to maximize impact of financing and co-benefits.

1 Nov 2021, 8:11pm, Singapore Time Live from Glasgow

1 Nov 2021, 4:16pm, Singapore Time An air of expectancy, anticipation and urgency. COP26 World Leaders Summit begins!