November 2021: CIL Nuclear Law and Policy Team Participates in COP26 Side Events Organised by the IAEA and OECD

CIL Nuclear Law and Policy Team participated in several virtual side events organised by both the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) during the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) held in Glasgow, UK. The IAEA events addressed the complementary role of nuclear power and renewables in the transition towards a carbon-neutral future and how international cooperation is needed to enable this transition to net zero, through advances in technology, but also financing mechanisms, and global policy frameworks. The events also highlighted the contribution of nuclear science and technology to climate change adaptation. The OECD event on nuclear energy explored its role in net-zero pathways and the availability of climate and development finance to support nuclear innovation to meet climate goals. Details of the IAEA and OECD events and speakers are available at the event sites for IAEA and the OECD COP26 Pavilion.