General Architecture

Objectives and Aspirations: Potential and Constraints

This set of studies examines the objectives and principal means for their achievement through an analysis of the overall structure of ASEAN. The critical component will consist in an analysis of the match between ends and means, situated in the political, cultural, economic, social and historical context of the region. Both potential and constraints will be highlighted. It is in the context of this group that a Prolegomena for a Theory of ASEAN Legal Integration is being developed.

1. The Aspirations of ASEAN in their Political and Cultural Context: Potential and Constraints
(Yeo Lay Hwee, Andrew Hurrell)

This is a study on international relations and real political analysis of ASEAN and its member states: the factors that pushed for the ASEAN initiative in the first place, its evolution and the recent Charter. It examines possible rationales and paths for the future development of ASEAN - both in terms of potential benefits to its Members (and others) and also the various constraints on any future scenarios. In short, this is a treatise on the Political Telos (or Teloi) of ASEAN - past, present and future.

Executive summary
Authors’ profiles: Yeo Lay HweeAndrew Hurrell

2. The Aspirations of ASEAN in their Economic Context: Potential and Constraints
(Chia Siow Yue, Michael Plummer)

This is a macroeconomic analysis of the actual economic incentives and realities of ASEAN as a regional integrated economic entity, explaining the possible rationales for the future development of ASEAN from an economic perspective. The study outlines both economic promise to the various ASEAN partners (and others) and also constraints of a political and economic nature. In short, this is a treatise on the Economic Telos (or Teloi) of ASEAN - past, present and future.

Executive summary
Authors’ profiles: Chia Siow YueMichael Plummer

3. The Role of Law in the ASEAN Project: Potential and Constraints
(Kevin Tan, Philipp Dann)

This is meant to be a study about political and legal culture and how it provides incentives and constraints on the creation of a system of rules and the Rule of Law in the ASEAN context. The ambitious plans of ASEAN, notably in the economic market sector cannot be realised without a much higher degree of legalisation and institutionalisation. The ASEAN Charter seems to acknowledge that. But successful legalisation and institutionalisation are also culturally dependent. This nuanced analysis will deal with the complex position of law and institutions in the various ASEAN countries and in ASEAN as a whole, and a realistic assessment of constraints and incentives.

Executive summary
Authors’ profiles: Kevin TanPhilipp Dann

4. What is the 'ASEAN Way'?
(Rod Severino, Joergen Oerstroem Moeller)

This study explores the uses and abuses of the concepts the 'Asian Way' and the 'ASEAN Way'. What in these concepts is 'for real' - what is just a political trope and fig leaf to excuse inaction, hard political choices, etc? What is the promise in the Asian and ASEAN ways, and what is the downside.

Authors’ profiles: Rod SeverinoJoergen Oerstroem Moeller

5. A Documentary Dynamic Analysis of the Evolution of the Objectives of ASEAN and the Means for their Achievement
(Tan Hsien-Li, Chan Sze Wei)

This study investigates into the objective and functions of ASEAN as conceptualised in institutional documentation at the establishment of the organisation and how those objectives and functions have been enunciated, transformed and exercised over the years.

Executive summary
Authors’ profiles: Tan Hsien-LiChan Sze Wei

6. A Comparative Tool Box
(Rob Howse, Ruth Okediji, Carlos Closa, Lorenzo Casini)

This is a synthetic account describing other regional integration organisations such as NAFTA, Mercosur, the Andean Community, the EU and some of the African regional organisations so as to situate on a spectrum the different levels of ambition each organisation aspires towards. More specifically, in relation to the issue of Telos - what it is about and what the partners are trying to achieve - and the issue of governance, we are interested in some description, and even more importantly in modelling. What models can one develop both with regard to the rationale, telos, scope of various RTAs and the system of Governance, with the EU perhaps at one end of the spectrum and perhaps NAFTA at the other end?

Executive summary
Authors’ profiles: Rob HowseRuth OkedijiCarlos ClosaLorenzo Casini

7. Prolegomena for a Theory of ASEAN Integration
(Michael Ewing-Chow, Joergen Oerstroem Moeller)

This seeks to map out for the first time a deep theoretical understanding about ASEAN Integration and how this theory may inform future integration initiatives.

Authors’ profiles: Michael Ewing-ChowJoergen Oerstroem Moeller