Beyond UNEP’s 50th Anniversary

15 February 2022: CIL Director Dr Nilüfer Oral was Invited as a Panelist to Beyond UNEP’s 50th Anniversary: Attaining the SDGs A Symposium in Conjunction with the 5th UN Environment Assembly & UNEP@50 Honoring the Memory of Prof. Charles Okidi Odidi

On February 15th, 2022 the Symposium “Honoring the Memory of Prof. Charles Okidi Odidi” took place in conjunction with the 5th UN Environment Assembly & UNEP@50.

IUCN WCEL, along with with the University of Nairobi, the International Council of Environmental Law and the Global Judicial Institute on the Environment (GJIE) held the online symposium to contribute to the discourse as part of UNEA 5.2 and UNEP@50.

Click here to view full programme.

To watch the recording of the symposium, visit the website: Beyond UNEP’s 50th Anniversary