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CIL Dataset of Investor-State Disputes Brought by Asia-Pacific Investors until April 2022


Author: Brian Chang
Contributors: Daniel Kang, Alexander Yean

This dataset of 114 investor-State disputes, is available for public use (with citation in the manner set out below). The dataset focuses on recording ISDS cases brought by Asia-Pacific investors (as opposed to cases brought against Asia-Pacific states). The dataset notably includes ISDS cases brought under investment contracts and domestic laws, outcomes of original proceedings, and for treaty cases, treaties cited as the basis for jurisdiction and breaches found. The dataset includes cases up to 6 April 2022 (end-2021 for the UNCTAD dataset), and was last updated on 6 April 2022. All entries were checked at least two times to ensure their accuracy. Please see the forthcoming article in Asian Dispute Review by Romesh Weeramantry and Brian Chang for further methodological notes.

Sources for the dataset include:
(1) UNCTAD’s Investment Dispute Settlement Navigator database
(2) ICSID’s Cases database; and
(3) Investment Arbitration Reporter’s Arbitration Cases database

The dataset includes information about publicly known ISDS arbitration proceedings. It should be noted that the dataset is likely to be under-inclusive as some arbitrations can be kept fully confidential.

No representations, guarantees or warranties are provided or implied as to the accuracy or completeness of the data. We assume no responsibility for eventual outdating, errors, omissions or inaccuracies in the dataset. We shall not be responsible for any losses, liabilities or damages stemming from the use of this dataset.

Citation of this electronic publication should be made in the following manner:

Brian Chang, ‘CIL Dataset of Investor-State Disputes Brought by Asia-Pacific investors until April 2022’ (NUS Centre for International Law 2022) <https://cil.nus.edu.sg/publication/CIL-Dataset-of-Investor-State-Disputes-Brought-by-Asia-Pacific-Investors until April 2022/> accessed DD Month YYYY.