Pollution from Marine Plastics in the Seas of ASEAN+3

Regional Law and Policy Landscape

Following a first overview of the legal and policy framework to respond to pollution from marine plastics in ASEAN+3 in 2020 report titled Status of Research, Legal and Policy Efforts on Marine Plastics in ASEAN+3: A Gap Analysis at the Interface of Science, Law and Policy, accessible here, the OLP plastic team developed an updated overview in a poster submitted in to the 7th International Marine Debris Conference (7IMDC), held in Busan South Korea, 18-23 September 2022. The 7IMDC was organised by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries of the Republic of Korea, Korea Marine Environment Management Corporation (KOEM).

This poster, titled “International and regional legal and policy landscape to respond to pollution from marine plastic in Southeast Asia”, was a part of the conference Track 5.6: Tracking Government Responses to Plastic Pollution: Local to Global. It provides an overview of the legal and institutional processes that shape global responses to pollution from marine plastics, through the visual representation of a structured and analytical view of the numerous legal instruments and policy documents adopted to respond to pollution from marine plastics since 2016,  and the intergovernmental institutions they relate to, with a focus on the ASEAN region. This includes specialised working groups established on specific sub-issues, within the mandate of competent international organisations. Legal and policy instruments adopted at the international level are distinguished from those that have been adopted at the regional level. Different instruments are also categorised according to their substantive mandate and their area of work.

The links for the download of the digital version of the full poster (A0 format) and of an A3 formatting of the same content (for ease of printing) are provided below: