Zoom (Singapore Time)
4 October 2022 (Tuesday)
7 October 2022 (Friday)
4:00 pm - 6:30 pm

The Global Stocktake 2023:
Two-Part Workshop Series

NUS Centre for International Law and DU Centre for Sustainable Development Law and Policy
With the support and participation of the UNFCCC Secretariat

Part 1 | Oceans, Climate Change and the Global Stocktake |
4 Oct 2022 | 4pm – 6:30pm SGP, 10am – 12:30pm CET, 9am – 11:30am UTC
Part 2 | The Global Stocktake as Process: Inputs, Outputs and Ambition |
7 Oct 2022 | 4pm – 6:30pm SGP, 10am – 12:30pm CET, 9am – 11:30am UTC

Despite the climate crisis impacting countries across the world with increasing frequency and force, global greenhouse gas emissions are at an all-time high, rebounding from the pandemic dip with a 6.4% increase and surpassing the pre-pandemic peak. The first global stocktake of the Paris Agreement set for 2023, is therefore critical in determining where we are, where we want to be, and how we will get there. With this in mind, the NUS Centre for International Law (CIL) in partnership with Durham University, Centre for Sustainable Development Law and Policy (CSDLP), with the support of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Secretariat, are organizing a two-part workshop series that will explore in-depth and over a time continuum, the sources of input, methodologies, and assumptions used to aggregate the four synthesis reports for the technical assessment component of the first global stocktake. The goal of these workshops is to understand how the global stocktake unfolds as a robust, inclusive and comprehensive process that will result in enhanced ambition and accelerated implementation of climate action in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement.

Speakers include Dr. Nilufer Oral (International Law Commission and Director of NUS-CIL), Dr. Filimon Manoni (Pacific Islands Forum), Dr. Joanna Post (UNFCCC), Prof. Volker Roeben (Dean, Durham Law School), Prof. Mizan Khan (North South University), Walters Tubua (UNFCCC), Dr. Markus Gehring (Cambridge University), Prof. Petra Minnerop (Durham Law School, Director of CSDLP), Lisa Schindler Murray (Rare), and Dr. Srivatsan Raghavan (Tropical Marine Science Institute), and Danielle Yeow (NUS-CIL).


Oceans, Climate Change and the Global Stocktake

Date: 4 October 2022 | Time: 4pm – 6:30pm SGP, 10am – 12:30pm CET, 9am – 11:30am UTC

The first Workshop will have a targeted focus on oceans and climate change. The ocean has the potential to contribute greatly to adaptation and mitigation efforts that will allow us to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement and yet, the development of international law on oceans and climate change has fallen behind. From the implementation of marine protected areas to the more controversial ocean fertilization efforts, the global ocean, which covers 71% of the Earth’s surface, has the potential to play a major role in climate action. This workshop will examine the recent international policy developments on ocean and climate change and the expectations for upcoming discussions in international law. It will also examine opportunities in which ocean issues can play a larger role in the Global Stocktake and how governments can fully integrate these issues into their NDCs.






4:00 – 4:05 PM

Welcome Remarks

Danielle Yeow and Prof. Petra Minnerop

4:05 – 4:20 PM

Development of ocean policy on marine conservation and climate change

Dr. Nilufer Oral

4:20 – 4:40 PM

Development of the ocean and climate change agenda at the UNFCC and options towards implementation. Oceans perspectives in the GST process

Dr. Joanna Post

4:40 – 5:00 PM

Unpacking the UNFCCC Global Stocktake for Ocean Climate Action

Lisa Schindler Murray

5:00 – 5:05 PM



5:05 – 5:25 PM

Perspectives of PIF states

Dr. Filimon Manoni

5:25 – 5:45 PM

Perspectives from SGP/Asia on ocean and NBCS

Dr. Srivatsan V. Raghavan

5:45 – 6:00 PM

Response of the COP 27 Presidency on the anticipated report by the Oceans Dialogue Chairs and priorities for COP 27

H.E. Sameh Shoukry (or representative) (TBC)

6:00 PM – 6:30 PM

Round-Table Discussion based on guide questions

All panellists with participant engagement

Moderator: Danielle Yeow




Danielle Yeow


The Global Stocktake as Process: Inputs, Outputs and Ambition

Date: 7 October 2022 | Time: 4pm – 6:30pm SGP, 10am – 12:30pm CET, 9am – 11:30am UTC

The second Workshop will focus on the global stocktake as a new international law procedure under the Paris Agreement. It will explore the current design of the global stocktake with a specific focus on the technical assessment phase, and how this phase will identify opportunities for enhancing action and collective progress. How can the outcomes of the technical assessment phase and the outputs of the global stocktake inform NDCs, procedurally and substantively? According to Decision 19/CMA.1, paragraph 34, outputs of the global stocktake should “identify opportunities for and challenges in enhancing action and support for collective progress in relation to the thematic areas of the global stocktake”. It is recognised that knowledge-sharing and common goal setting have a positive impact for initiatives and enhanced climate action. This workshop aims to contribute to knowledge sharing on the global stocktake, its inputs and outputs, and to align academic research more closely with the processes that the global stocktake encompasses.