The Arts House, Singapore
28 September 2023 (Thursday)
28 September 2023 (Thursday)
3:00 pm - 8:00 pm

CIL co-organises the inaugural ILA Singapore Symposium with the Singapore Branch of the International Law Association

On 28 September 2023, the Singapore Branch of the International Law Association (ILA), with the support of the Centre for International Law (CIL), organised the inaugural ILA Singapore Symposium on "The Role of International Law in Shaping the Future", held at the Arts House (Old Parliament House), Singapore. The symposium was attended by academics and practitioners from both the public and private sectors. They discussed issues of public international law and private international law in two “Tylney Hall”-style sessions, where the moderators selected several questions submitted in advance by the participants, which were then addressed in an interactive discussion and debate among the participants.

The symposium started with a welcome address by the President of the Singapore Branch of the International Law Association, Ms. Koh Swee Yen SC, followed by a Keynote Speech delivered by The Honourable Justice Pang Khang Chau of the Supreme Court of Singapore. Justice Pang, an experienced practitioner in public international law before joining the Singapore judiciary, highlighted the increasing convergence between public and private international law as evidenced in areas such as aviation, trade, investment, and human rights. He traced back the early origins of modern international law and how it continues to adapt to modern realities. In this connection, Justice Pang noted the enduring power of international law on the ways in which states act, noting the various legal expressions that states have used both to condemn or justify Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. This, he pointed out, stands as a testament to international law’s relevance in today’s world.

The first session on public international law was facilitated by Professor N. Jansen Calamita, Head, Investment Law & Policy, at CIL and Ms. Gitta Satryani, Partner at Herbert Smith Freehills LLP. The moderators led the debate on wide-ranging issues such as the current state of human rights advocacy in Asia, the role of mediation in resolving international investment disputes, and how international law regulates the shift of power from states to influential individuals and non-state actors, including the issue of state attribution.

Ms. Samantha Tan, Partner at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP and Mr. Tiong Teck Wee, Partner at WongPartnership LLP moderated the second session on private international law. Issues discussed, among others, were recent developments on foreign state immunity laws in different jurisdictions in relation to commercial activities, their impact on the enforcement of arbitral awards and execution against state assets, and the legal implications of emerging technologies, such as blockchain, AI, and the metaverse, on matters of choice of law and arbitrability.

This event was sponsored by Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP, Herbert Smith Freehills LLP, WongPartnership LLP, together with publicity support from the Singapore International Arbitration Centre.




The Role of International Law
in Shaping the Future

28 September 2023 at The Arts House (1 Old Parliament Lane)
Symposium: 3.00 - 6.30 pm (Chamber, The Arts House)
Networking reception: 6.30 - 8.00 pm (Living Room, The Arts House)


Photo Credit: Arts House Limited

The Singapore Branch of the International Law Association is delighted to organise the inaugural ILA Singapore Symposium on "The Role of International Law in Shaping the Future".

International law has undoubtedly shaped the world we live in today – from the lofty realm of inter-State politics, down to quotidian facets of our individual lives, the influence of international law is distinctly felt. However, can international law, with its myriad challenges and challengers, continue to shape the future of our world?

This inaugural Symposium, supported by the NUS Centre for International Law, will bring together academics and practitioners from both the public and private sectors to open a dialogue on this timeless topic.

The Honourable Justice Pang Khang Chau, an experienced practitioner of public international law before joining the Singapore judiciary, will kick off the Symposium with his perspectives on the current state of international law. Thereafter, two “Tylney-Hall” style sessions will be held for participants to discuss and debate questions (submitted in advance by the participants themselves) that are relevant to the topic. This interactive Symposium is an opportunity for enthusiasts from different sectors to come together and explore central questions of international law.

Chatham House Rules will apply.

Keynote Speaker


Justice Pang Khang Chau
Supreme Court, Singapore

N Jansen Calamita
Centre for International Law, NUS

Gitta Satryani
Herbert Smith Freehills LLP

Samantha Tan
Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP

Tiong Teck Wee
WongPartnership LLP


2:30 pm


3:00 pm

Welcome Address by President of the Singapore Branch of the International Law Association, Koh Swee Yen SC

3:10 pm

Keynote Speech by Justice Pang Khang Chau

3:55 pm


4:10 pm

Tylney Hall Session 1 – Public International Law

5:10 pm


5:25 pm

Tylney Hall Session 2 – Private International Law

6:25 pm

Closing Remarks

6:30 pm

Networking Reception




The symposium is free of charge for ILA members and students.

There is a registration fee of S$50.00 for non ILA-members.

If you wish to attend the symposium, please complete and submit the online registration form. Places are limited.

3.0 Public CPD Points
Practice Area: International Law
Training Category: Intermediate

Participants who wish to obtain CPD Points are reminded that they must comply strictly with the Attendance Policy set out in the CPD Guidelines. For this activity, this includes signing in on arrival and signing out at the conclusion of the activity in the manner required by the organiser, and not being absent from the entire activity for more than 15 minutes. Participants who do not comply with the Attendance Policy will not be able to obtain CPD Points for attending the activity. Participants who do not comply with the Attendance Policy on any particular day of the event will not be able to obtain CPD Points for that day. Please refer to for more information.