10–11 May 2018: CIL Senior Research Fellow Dr Ayelet Berman Participates in 15th ASLI Conference


Dr Ayelet Berman chaired a panel on ‘Investment Treaties and National Governance’ at the 15th ASLI Conference 2018 in Seoul in May 2018. Dr John Lumbantobing of the Faculty of Law, Universitas Katolik Parahyangan presented his paper ‘Very little spill: Internalization of investment treaties and their effects on domestic governance in Indonesia’. Dr Younsik Kim of Sungshin University in Korea presented his paper on ‘Internationalisation of Investment Treaties in Korea’, and Dr Sachinta Dias of Oxford University presented his paper on ‘International Investment Agreements and Governance in Sri Lanka: An Analysis of Three Factual Scenarios’. This panel is part of an ongoing CIL research project on investment treaties and national governance. For more information about the project, please contact Dr Ayelet Berman.