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  • 11 June 2020: Assistant Professor Tan Hsien-Li Speaks at Webinar on ‘The Importance of Regional (Legal) Cooperation during Time of Pandemic COVID-19’ Organised by Universitas Indonesia

11 June 2020: Assistant Professor Tan Hsien-Li Speaks at Webinar on ‘The Importance of Regional (Legal) Cooperation during Time of Pandemic COVID-19’ Organised by Universitas Indonesia

Assistant Professor Tan Hsien-Li represented the CIL at the webinar—‘The Importance of Regional (Legal) Cooperation during Time of Pandemic Covid-19’—organised by the Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia on 11 June. She spoke on ‘ASEAN Cooperation in COVID-19’, shedding light on the quick collective regional action that complemented the ongoing national efforts. The long-term support by ASEAN dialogue partners, particularly China, Korea, Japan, the United States and Canada, in regional emergency relief and public health programmes have helped ASEAN react faster to the pandemic. She concluded by outlining ASEAN members’ longer-term plans of building more robust public health programmes, a regional fund and stockpiles, and strategies on economic recovery.