13 May 2022: CIL Director Dr Nilufer Oral was Invited by IMO International Maritime Law Institute to Speak at the Course on International Maritime Security

Dr Nilufer Oral spoke at the session on “International Marine Environment Pollution as Security Threat/Sea Level Rise and International Security Implication”

The fluidity and complexity of modern-day maritime security challenges require a deep understanding of the law of the sea, maritime law, as well as of national policies

and regulations before responding to them. The newly emerging challenges and transformed threats which include, maritime terrorism, drug trafficking, migrant smuggling, and use of unmanned vessels, are largely unregulated in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea1982, which has led to the adoption of various international conventions and protocols.

The IMLI Course on International Maritime Security Law covers the various critical maritime security threats to the international rule of law at sea and the freedom of navigation. The Course addresses in detail the gravity of these threats and the existing international laws and State practices deterring the same.

The Course focuses on the current legal developments ensuring the safe navigation of ships, protection of offshore installations and coasts of maritime States. It also covers the contribution of international organizations, especially IMO, and the role of regional cooperation in overcoming such threats. The Course looks into the special status of warships and examine the juris prudential contribution of international courts and tribunals.

Dr Nilufer Oral spoke on the topic on “International Marine Environment Pollution as Security Threat/Sea Level Rise and International Security Implication”