18 May 2020: Postdoctoral Fellow Charalampos Giannakopoulos Presents Paper at Online International Economic Law Research Marathon Hosted by Hebrew University of Jerusalem
On 18 May 2020, Postdoctoral Fellow Charalampos Giannakopoulos presented his paper ‘Coherence, Reflective Thinking, and Investment Arbitration’ at the Online International Economic Law Research Marathon 2020, which was hosted virtually by the Faculty of Law at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The online conference on 17–29 May replaced the 9th PEPA-SIEL Conference 2020. PEPA-SIEL conferences provide an environment for emerging academics and professionals in the field of international economic law to present and discuss their research.
Drawing from the work of authors such as John Dewey and Donald Schön, Dr Giannakopoulos argued that reflection and reflective thinking are manifestations of an ideal of coherence in the justificatory aspect of adjudication. Reflective thinking involves iterative processes of problem setting, identifying possible solutions, and testing them for their congruence with one’s background theories. Transposed to adjudication, this implies that judicial reasoning involves a constant process of experimentation in practice, by posing hypotheses (framing), testing them, and assessing their consequences for their congruence with the decision-maker’s considered judgments regarding the regime’s ends and his or her institutional role in it. Using concrete examples from investment arbitration, the paper showcases the importance of practising reflective thinking at various levels during the legal reasoning process.