20 September 2011
Assoc Prof Michael Ewing-Chow was invited by the ASEAN Studies Centre to participate in the 3rd Train-the-Trainers Course on the ASEAN Charter as the legal expert. Prof Ewing-Chow delivered a full day lecture about the legal implementation of the ASEAN Charter and the various issues that need to be addressed. In particular, he suggested that one effective way to encourage more implementation is to provide more reporting and monitoring procedures for the implementation efforts by the ASEAN states. Particularly for the ASEAN Economic Community, he suggested that transparency and openness was already agreed to by most of the ASEAN states as part of their WTO membership obligations. The Trade Policy and Review Mechanism (TPRM) of the WTO already obligated members to very comprehensive and regular reporting and monitoring requirements. As such, it would not be a significant imposition at least for the ASEAN Economic Community which already uses a Scorecard to have a more transparent reporting and monitoring procedure.