23–24 October 2019: CIL Researcher Eugenio Gomez-Chico Participates in REDIAL Conference in Bogota, Colombia
CIL Researcher Eugenio Gomez-Chico participated in the Conference ‘REDIAL: Repensar la Enseñanza del Derecho Internacional en América Latina’ (Rethinking international legal education in Latin America), which took place in Bogota, Colombia on 23–24 October. He presented CIL’s TRILA programme (Teaching and Researching International Law in Asia), sharing its activities, goals and achievements.
REDIAL, like TRILA, is a project aimed to improve and strengthen the scholarship and community of international law scholars regionally, introducing Latin American perspectives and materials into the curriculum, and critically analysing the traditional Euro-centric contents and history of the discipline. In this second conference, scholars from different universities in the region discussed their challenges in teaching and researching on international law, and publishing in different languages.