28 November 2018: Research Associate Professor N Jansen Calamita Was Lead Facilitator at Regional Forum in Manila
Research Associate Professor N Jansen Calamita was the lead facilitator at two-day regional forum in Manila on ‘Investment Disputes, Resolution and Prevention.’ The forum was organised by the Philippine Board of Investment, with support from the ASEAN Secretariat, under the ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Area (AANZFTA) Economic Cooperation Support Program (AECSP). The forum aimed to support AANZFTA Parties on effectively managing commitments, improving investor confidence in the AANZFTA investment environment, and increasing government confidence in investment policy making.
Research Assoc Prof Calamita noted that the forum served as an opportunity to share experiences among the AANZFTA Parties and helped build the capacities of participants in considering measures for the implementation and management of investment treaty commitments.