6-18 Nov 2022: Danielle Yeow spoke at the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Make Climate Action Everyone’s Business Forum 2022

The Forum was a hybrid event held at the COP27 Blue Zone,  bringing together more than 70 organizations, representing the global business community, governments and international partners, to engage on the efforts needed to shift from climate aspirations and commitments to collaborative action at real scale.  The Forum explored questions of effective regulatory frameworks, actionable business strategies and fiscal incentives to  accelerate decarbonization action across the global economy.  Danielle Yeow  participated in a roundtable dialogue on 17 Nov 2022 on the theme of “Climate Change Disputes – International Arbitration perspectives and solutions”, where she discussed the progress of COP27 discussions, the scope for resolution of inter-state disputes under the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement, the factors that influence State Parties when engaging in climate related disputes, the ICC Task Force on Climate Change Related Disputes, and balancing climate commitments with investment treaty obligations. 

Further details available at https://hopin.com/events/icc-climate-action/registration