Danielle Yeow at the 7th Session of the Open Ended Working Group on security of and in the use of information and communications technologies 2021-2025 (OEWG)

Danielle Yeow, Lead on Cyber Law and Policy,  represented the CIL at the 7th Session of the Open Ended Working Group on security of and in the use of information and communications technologies 2021-2025 (OEWG) that took place at the United Nations, New York on 4-8 Mar 2024. The OEWG was established pursuant to General Assembly resolution 75/240 adopted on 31 December 2020 with the mandate, among others, to further develop the rules, norms and principles of responsible behaviour of States and the ways for their implementation;  and to continue to study how international law applies to the use of information and communications technologies by States. The CIL delivered a statement at the dedicated stakeholder session on  6 Mar 2024, available on the UNODA’s conference website  here (CIL - 7th Session).

CIL’s statement that was delivered at the 6th session in Dec 2023 is available here CIL - 6th Session).