Dr Nilufer Oral was One of the Panelists at the 34th Informal Meeting of Legal Advisers

22 October 2024: Dr Nilufer Oral was One of the Panelists at the 34th Informal Meeting of Legal Advisers that Took Place at the at the United Nations Headquarters in the Trusteeship Council. 

At the 34th Informal Legal Advisers meeting, Sweden chaired panel discussions exploring the ICJ’s role in peaceful settlement of disputes and the importance of freedom of navigation.

Nilufer was one of the panellists at Panel 2: Freedom of Navigation – A Fundamental Interest of Continued Relevance

Freedom of navigation is a central principle of the law of the sea and a common interest of cross-regional relevance. As a core element of the law of the sea, overt and covert challenges to the freedom of navigation threaten to undermine the very ‘legal framework within which all activities in the oceans and seas must be carried out’. It would appear timely to among legal advisers reflect on the fundamental importance of the principle of freedom of navigation and to address challenges and threats in this regard. This Panel was chaired by Ms. Daphne Hong, Director-General, International Affairs Division, Solicitor-General, Attorney-General’s Chambers, Singapore.

Panellists included:

  • Judge Konrad J. Marciniak, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
  • Nilüfer Oral, Member of the International Law Commission, Director, Centre for International Law, National University of Singapore
  • Professor Ronán Long, Director of the WMU-Sasakawa Global Ocean Institute, Nippon Foundation Professorial Chair of Ocean Governance & the Law of the Sea, World Maritime University (WMU)

More about the session at the link: chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.un.org/ola/sites/www.un.org.ola/files/program-34th-informalmeetinglegaladvisers.pdf