The Role of the Government Attorney in International Litigation On 28 October 2021
28 October 2021: CIL Director Dr Nilüfer Oral Was Invited to be the Moderator at the ASIL Webinar Titled “The Role of the Government Attorney in International Litigation”
The Government Attorneys Interest Group (GAIG) invited ASIL members and the public to an informative roundtable discussion on the role of the Government Attorney in litigation before international tribunals. This roundtable offered insight into the challenges faced by Government Attorneys as they prepared the State’s case before international courts and tribunals. Panellists shared their experiences in putting litigation teams together; provided insights on how the inter-agency coordination in Government operated; discussed how the State functioned as a “client” and the intercultural difficulties working with counsel from different legal traditions; and finally, what the “new normal” would be in litigation before international tribunals. The webinar ended with a Q&A among the panellists and participants.
- Dr Nilufer Oral (Centre for International Law, National University of Singapore)
- Sir Michael Wood (Twenty Essex Chambers)
- Ms Carolina Valdivia Torres (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Chile)
- Ms Yukiko Takashiba (Seinan Gakuin University)
- Mr Toby Landau, QC (Duxton Hill Chambers)
The recording of the webinar can be accessed at the link: