ASEAN Integration Through Law Book Series Launch

ASEAN-ITL-BookLaunch-28Apr2015-tnCIL was delighted to launch the first eight titles in its ASEAN Integration Through Law Book Series published by Cambridge University Press. This innovative book series evaluates the community-building processes of ASEAN to date and offers a conceptual and policy toolkit for broader Asian thinking and planning of different legal and institutional models of economic and political regional integration. More than 70 scholars from Asia and the West have contributed to the series across six themes: (1) the general architecture and aspirations of ASEAN; (2) governance and management of ASEAN; (3) legal regimes in ASEAN; (4) the ASEAN Economic Community; (5) ASEAN and the world; and (6) the substantive law of ASEAN. For information on the book series, click here. To download the policy recommendations booklet, click here. For photos and more information about the launch, click here.

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