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  • ASEAN Integration Through Law Project – The ASEAN Way in a Comparative Context: Plenary on the Rule of Law in the ASEAN Community

ASEAN Integration Through Law Project – The ASEAN Way in a Comparative Context: Plenary on the Rule of Law in the ASEAN Community

CJ-MenonThe Centre for International Law recently concluded the third Plenary of the ASEAN Integration Through Law Project with the theme “The ASEAN Way in a Comparative Context: Plenary on the Rule of Law in the ASEAN Community” on 25 August 2013. This plenary rounds up the previous Plenary discussions by examining the roles of the Rule of Law in ASEAN Integration. The Chief Justices from the ASEAN Member States graced the event. The Chief Justice of Singapore Sundaresh Menon and Chief Justice of Indonesia Dr Muhammad Hatta Ali spoke on the importance of the rule of law in the ASEAN region. For more information, speeches and photos, click here.

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