CIL Dialogues

An International Law Blog

CIL Dialogues is the re-imagination of the existing blog of the Centre for International Law (CIL) of the National University of Singapore (NUS). The editorial team’s approach to CIL Dialogues reflects two shared commitments. First, we share a generalist perspective of international law, viewed as raising shared foundational questions across specialised fields, institutions, regions, and inquiries. Secondly, we are appreciative that CIL Dialogues is not based in (the virtual space of), or associated with institutions in the ‘Western European and Others States Group’. The blog will therefore be interested in international law broadly conceived and seek to be attentive to regional perspectives to questions of universal and general relevance, particularly relating to Asia Pacific, as well as the views and voices that may have been traditionally excluded. More...

Featured Blogs

The 2023 IMO Assembly Resolution enables States to challenge the ‘Dark Fleet’ that threatens the marine environment

by Robert Beckman, Trung Nguyen and Joel Ong Jie Hao

At its thirty-third biennial meeting on 6 December 2023, the Assembly of the International Maritime Organization (‘IMO’) adopted Resolution A.1192(33) urging Member States and all relevant stakeholders to promote actions to prevent illegal operations in the maritime sector by the ‘dark fleet’ or ‘shadow fleet’ (‘the 2023 Resolution’). Read on ...

Artificial Intelligence And Article 33.4 VCLT

by Tarcisio Gazzini

Artificial intelligence (AI) is set to radically change legal education and the legal profession. Suffice it to mention the administration of justice through machines. This comment focuses on a much more specific issue, namely the interpretation of multilingual treaties. Article 33.4 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, in particular, directs the interpreter in overcoming differences between equally authoritative texts. Read on ...

Does breaching UNCLOS invoke the right of self-defence?

by Shani Friedman

Since October 2023, as part of the Israeli-Hamas war following the October 7 massacre in Israel, the Houthis – an Iranian-backed Yemeni terrorist group – attacked commercial ships in the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea in support of Hamas. The attacks range from non-violent boarding and rerouting of ships to using missiles and drones. Read on

China’s engagement with the ITLOS climate change advisory proceedings and its strategic formalism in international law

by Ryan Martínez Mitchell

Several months ago, Beijing decided to take a stand against the expansion of advisory opinion jurisdiction to the full International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS), as well as the potential use of such jurisdiction to define climate change obligations under the law of the sea. Read on ...


All Posts @ CIL Dialogues

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Results 229 to 240 of 370
ASEAN Law and Policy

CIL was honoured to welcome members of its International Advisory Panel (IAP) from 17-19 February 2013.

ASEAN Law and Policy

CIL has prepared a Report on the Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Singapore International Investment Arbitration Conference, highlighting the relevant issues raised in each session, and the discussion it generated.

ASEAN Law and Policy

Assoc Prof Michael Ewing-Chow, Head of CIL’s Trade and Investment Programme was interviewed on Laos' competitiveness in the global economy with Haslinda Amin on Bloomberg Television's "On The Move Asia".

Ocean Law and Policy

Assoc Prof Michael Ewing-Chow, Head of CIL’s Trade and Investment Programme was interviewed on Laos’ competitiveness in the global economy with Haslinda Amin on Bloomberg Television’s “On The Move Asia” on 8 February 2013.

ASEAN Law and Policy

The CIL Fireside Chat Series continues in 2013 with an installment on "The South China Sea Disputes: A Role for International Law?".

ASEAN Law and Policy

CIL would like to extend its congratulations and best wishes to the newly-appointed Judicial Commissioner of the Supreme Court, Mr Lionel Yee SC. The appointment which begins on 1 February 2013 was announced by the Prime Minister’s Office. Mr Yee is currently the Second Solicitor-General at the Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC). Early this year, he was …

Mr Lionel Yee appointed Judicial Commissioner of Supreme Court Read More »

ASEAN Law and Policy

CIL and British Institute of International & Comparative Law (the Institute) are engaged on a joint project to carry out training and research on treaty law and practice.Based on the discussions at the Workshop, CIL and the Institute issued a Workshop Report which provides a summary of the proceedings and discussions at the Workshop as well as a set of recommendations designed to improve treaty practices in the region.

ASEAN Law and Policy

CIL congratulates Mr. Lionel Yee, Second Solicitor-General and the former Director-General of the International Affairs Division of the Attorney-General’s Chambers, on his appointment as Senior Counsel. Mr Yee has been a friend and supporter of CIL since it was established at NUS in 2009.

ASEAN Law and Policy

The Centre for International Law's 3rd Annual Singapore International Investment Arbitration Conference was held on 12 December 2012 at the Shangri-La, Singapore. This is the 3rd in a successful run of Arbitration Conferences that the Centre for International Law has organized.