CIL Dialogues

An International Law Blog

CIL Dialogues is the re-imagination of the existing blog of the Centre for International Law (CIL) of the National University of Singapore (NUS). The editorial team’s approach to CIL Dialogues reflects two shared commitments. First, we share a generalist perspective of international law, viewed as raising shared foundational questions across specialised fields, institutions, regions, and inquiries. Secondly, we are appreciative that CIL Dialogues is not based in (the virtual space of), or associated with institutions in the ‘Western European and Others States Group’. The blog will therefore be interested in international law broadly conceived and seek to be attentive to regional perspectives to questions of universal and general relevance, particularly relating to Asia Pacific, as well as the views and voices that may have been traditionally excluded. More...

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Key contentions at the Hearings on the ICJ Advisory Opinion on climate change

by Danilo B. Garrido Alves and Efstathios-Effraim Giannidakis


All Posts @ CIL Dialogues

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Results 253 to 264 of 370
ASEAN Law and Policy

CIL was pleased to a host a visit to the Centre by Andrew Cayley QC, the United Nations Chief International Co-Prosecutor of the ECCC, the Khmer Rouge Tribunal on 5 October 2012.

ASEAN Law and Policy

CIL’s 3rd Annual Singapore International Arbitration Conference, which will be held in conjunction with the Centre’s inaugural run of the Singapore International Arbitration Academy (SIAA), has been accredited with 5.5. CPD points by the Singapore Institute of Legal Education (SILE).

ASEAN Law and Policy

CIL was proud to once again partner with the International Boundaries Research Unit (IBRU) of Durham University to organise the second Maritime Boundary Delimitation Workshop in Southeast Asia. The Workshop was held on 26-28 September 2012 at the NUS Bukit Timah Campus.

ASEAN Law and Policy

CIL hosted a visit by Mr David Unterhalter SC, Chairman of the Appellate Body of the World Trade Organisation (WTO), on 19 September 2012.

ASEAN Law and Policy

CIL is pleased to announce that Prof Stuart Kaye, Dean of the University of Western Australia (UWA) Law School, visited the Centre on 30 August 2012.

ASEAN Law and Policy

This penultimate session of the CIL Fireside Chat Series for 2012, brought together diplomats who have represented Singapore at the UN and a leading expert on the UN to share their perspectives on how the UN operates and how Singapore, as a small state, can influence decision making at this complex body.

ASEAN Law and Policy

CIL Director Robert Beckman has been appointed as a member of the Management Committee for the newly set up Maritime Institute@NUS (MI@NUS) for a 2-year term commencing on 1 August 2012.

ASEAN Law and Policy

CIL continued its third year of association with the prestigious Rhodes Academy of Oceans Law and Policy which convenes annually in Rhodes, Greece, at the 17th Session this year, held from 1-20 July 2012.

ASEAN Law and Policy

At General Meeting of SIEL held during the SIEL 2012 conference in Singapore, Assoc Prof Michael Ewing-Chow, WTO Chair and Head, Trade/Investment Law & Policy, CIL, was elected to the Executive Council of SIEL. He will serve a term of 3 years from 13 July 2012.

ASEAN Law and Policy

The National University of Singapore (NUS) became the first University in the Asia-Pacific region to host the biennial conference of the Society of International Economic Law (SIEL) last week. SIEL is the leading global association of international economic law academics and practioners. Organised by the Centre for International Law (CIL) and hosted by the Faculty of Law (NUS Law), the conference took place at the Bukit Timah Campus from 12-14 July 2012. 272 delegates representing more than 150 institutions from over 50 countries took part.