The Centre for International Law is pleased to announce the selection of the first batch of CIL Overseas Interns. Law Year 3 and Year 4 students Ms Sadhana Rai, Mr Alvin Yap, Ms Dharshini Prasad and Mr Ramu Nachiappan have been given the opportunity to intern with leading international institutions. Dharshini will assist Ambassador Kriangsak Kittichaisaree at the United Nations International Law Commission (ILC) in Geneva. Alvin and Ramu will work with the Khmer Rouge Tribunal Monitoring Team in Phnom Penh. Sadhana will assist the ASEAN Wildlife Enforcement Network (ASEAN-WEN) in Bangkok. The CIL Overseas Internship aims to expose NUS students to the practice of international law or policy by facilitating their attachment to international tribunals, committees, institutions, organisations or monitoring missions operating outside Singapore. The Centre will support the selected intern with return air travel, travel insurance and a modest stipend. We wish the inaugural cohort of CIL Overseas Interns a safe journey and a productive experience abroad.
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