CIL Research Fellow wins First Prize in 2015 CIArb Singapore and 39 Essex Chambers Essay Competition

James Losari-CIArb 2015
CIL congratulates CIL Research Fellow Mr Junianto James Losari on winning first prize in an essay competition organised by the Singapore branch of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) and sponsored by 39 Essex Chambers. The essay competition was run this year in conjunction with the CIArb Singapore Centenary Conference on 3-4 September 2014. Young practitioners working or residing in Asia were invited to submit essays responding to this year’s topic, which was ‘Innovation in international arbitration: does the Emperor need new clothes?’.

In his essay, given the increasing criticism of the arbitral system, James proposed the use of specialist domestic courts, such as the newly-established Singapore International Commercial Court (SICC), to hear appeals of investor-State Arbitration (ISDS) arbitral awards. His essay was inspired by Singapore Chief Justice Sundaresh Menon’s article on ‘The Transnational Protection of Private Rights: Issues, Challenges and Possible Solutions’, which envisions the role of an international commercial court in protecting private rights in transnational disputes. To view his essay in PDF format, click here.

James’ main research area at CIL is trade and investment, where he works closely with Associate Professor Michael Ewing-Chow.

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