CIL signs MOU with Universiti Teknologi Petronas and Tropical Marine Science Institute of NUS

CIL and the Tropical Marine Science Institute (TMSI), also an NUS research centre, together signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP) on 7 November 2012. This unprecedented collaboration with UTP of Malaysia is designed to foster joint and multi-disciplinary research encompassing engineering, marine sciences and ocean law and policy. The areas identified for collaboration include offshore decommissioning, rig-to-reef, research and management of alien species through the oil and gas activities, sensitive marine environments and associated biodiversity, maritime security, oil pollution preparedness, response and cooperation (OPRC) planning, staff attachment and student exchange, and the organization and participation in joint academic and scientific activities such as seminars and conferences.

The first joint-initiative took place very successfully in Kuala Lumpur at the 19-21 November Offshore Structures Asia Conference. Noor Amila Bt Wan Zawawi of UTP and Youna Lyons of CIL made a joint presentation on ‘Decommissioning options and the International Regulatory Framework’ and chaired the decommissioning session. To download the presentation in PDF format, click here.

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