CIL Welcomes New Senior Visiting Research Fellow

Lynn KuokThe Centre for International Law (CIL) welcomed Senior Visiting Research Fellow Dr Lynn Kuok in February 2015. Dr Kuok is a Fellow at Brookings Institution in Washington, DC, where she works on the international politics and security of the Asia-Pacific region. Prior to joining Brookings Institution, she held fellowships at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and the Harvard Kennedy School.She has a law degree from the National University of Singapore, a Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy from the Fletcher School, and a PhD in Politics from the University of Cambridge. She has also served as Editor-in-Chief of the Cambridge Review of International Affairs and the Singapore Law Review. During her time at CIL, Dr Kuok’s research will focus on the South China Sea dispute. She recently published a report, “Overcoming the impasse in the South China Sea: Jointly defining EEZ claims”, which may be found at the following link:

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